The Virtual Sidepassing Clinic is a step-by-step virtual clinic that teaches you how to improve your horse’s sidepass by knowing the right way to ask, position yourself, cue and practice so you can sidepass with finesse and confidence.
In just four weeks, learn my secret to teaching the sidepass, understand the footfalls, mechanics, cues, timing and feel of a sidepass, use leg yield exercises to add finesse, and how to raise your scores at trail challenges.
Stop searching YouTube. Start practicing.
Imagine if in just 4 weeks you could...
Feel confident sidepassing, knowing you are asking and cueing correctly.
Understand the footfalls, mechanics, and timing of the sidepass.
Know exactly how to practice the sidepass.
Raise your scores at trail challenges.
See the look on your friends' faces when they ask, “what trainer did you send your horse to?” and you reply “I did it”.
But it was not always like that.
I used to struggle to sidepass because I did not understand it. Then I learned about connecting the feet to the reins, directing the feet, and timing and feel. It changed everything.
Most riders move the back feet, move the front feet, move the back feet until they get a sidepass or they stand in front of the fence and kick until the horse moves sideways. (I will explain this method.)
After years of teaching horses to sidepass, trial and error, I have found a better way.
Learn the P's & Cues Method!
I am sharing my secrets with you so that you can become a confident side passing your horse.
If it works for me, it can work for you.
What are you waiting for?
A start to finish step-by-step method to improve your sidepass
Clear explanations of a sidepass, leg yield, and half pass so you can understand lateral movements.
Tips for raising your sidepass scores
A Practice Plan and Exercises you can print and take to the barn.
Understand the cues and why they work.
And a whole lot more!
Step-by-Step Videos
Step-by-Step Videos explaining the exercises are posted in a course area for you to reference anytime. ($77 Value)
In your course area. Watch the videos and get ready to sidepass. Exercises to do with and without your horse. (Value $27)
Print it out and take it to the barn with you! ($17 Value)
The class is your to keep! No Expiration!
And because I want you to succeed...
Virtual Clinic Coaching Session on Zoom each Tuesday morning at 11:00am CST
When you purchase this class, you are included in group coaching for 30 days! ($47 value)
There will be a form where you can submit questions and even a video link for feedback. Form link is in the course area.
If you can’t make it to class, don’t worry. You will receive a link to the recording.
Kelli Paulson uses trail obstacles to help you improve your horsemanship.
You can do more with your horse than you ever imagined!
Do you want your horse to be confident, willing and responsive? Do you want to be more confident, know exactly what to practice and have less fear?
Then let’s do this.
My passion is teaching you how to understand and apply horsemanship in an effective way by using trail obstacles. I use vaquero style methods with a little dressage plus what I have learned through my own experiences to break things down in a way you can understand and apply to your riding. We will learn skills both on the ground and in the saddle and apply those skills to trail obstacles. Trail obstacles are a fabulous way to measure our progress.
Kelli is the author of "How to Build Simple Trail Obstacles and the co-author of the "Working Equitation Handbook". Kelli has been teaching horsemanship clinics for 15 years.
My "Confidence" Guarantee!
4I know you will finally understand sidepassing and will be able to practice with confidence. After completing the clinic and exercises, if you do not understand the concepts, you may request a refund within 6 weeks of the start of the course.